Last month Leia showcased the creative side of our guests. We have found many a creation throughout the Museum…but they hardly ever extend passed the front doors.Well that changed a few Saturday morning’s ago after one of January’s nasty snowstorms….

Let’s start from the beginning shall we!

Our Education Department provides amazing opportunities for kids to interact with the galleries and even, wait for it, sleepover! Every time I help with an Overnight I wish I could have slept underneath a Montreal Canoe or in a wigwam when I was seven!

Imagine you and friends sleeping toe to toe ...listening to the waterfall as you finally giggle yourself to sleep!  So very jealous!

That particular weekend we had a fantastic group of Beavers and Cubs, that kept us busy well past my usual bedtime! As per protocol one staff member has to be awake at all times throughout the night. Jen took the first shift (thank you by the way!!!) and I took the second, setting my alarm for 3:30am.

My bed in the board room...I may have forgotten an essential piece of gear, my sleeping bag! Good thing we have lots of HBC blankets!

Red eyed and yawning I made countless cups of tea, cut watercolour paper and listened to the snowplow work away for a few hours. As I passed by the staff entrance, during one of my security rounds, I saw a very pretty site…. we were nearly snowed in!

The snow had drifted beautifully around the door—it was quite stunning!  Alas, the drift was forgotten as the kids got up and headed on home.

You can't really tell but these are the stairs to the staff entrance.

By that time I was exhausted and planned on having a catnap before my day started at the Museum’s store. But as Jen was about to leave, stepping around the drift as to not mess it up, I had a moment of pure childish genius!

And so Jen and I planned and giggled all the while not judging our sleep-fogged enthusiasm….

After stealing a log cabin and wee canoe from the Kirk Wipper exhibit as well as plastic animals from the Ed Office I created our very own ‘cabin in the mountains’! Complete with the majestic view of a wolf howling from the highest peak, a bear snuggled in his den, a moose hiding away down the trail and a brave sole sledding down a snow covered peak in their canoe as a lynx watches curiously!


I gained my second wind, from the chilling gusts, as I placed each toy ‘just so’ on the drifts. I was able to start my day refreshed and with childish vigor! This is what I love about the Museum, there are just so many places were fun is to be be had (even the back stoop)!

Though there are plenty of places inside as well(were it is warm!!)! If your having a stressful day, in need to get out of a grumpy winter mood or to let your inner child free the Canadian Canoe Museum is the place for you!