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Lock n’ Paddle

Programming & Events

On June 24, we celebrated National Canoe Day by fitting as many canoes and kayaks as possible into the Peterborough Lift Lock. During the months spend planning with our partners, Parks Canada and The Land Canadian Adventures, the goal was to fit 150 vessels into each tub of the lock. We were able to surpass our goal, and we ended up with 328 boats in total!

Hundreds of paddlers gather with their canoes in the Peterborough locks.
An aerial view of hundreds of paddlers gathering with their canoes in the Peterborough locks.
Hundreds of paddlers hold their paddles up vertically as they prepare to guide their canoes through the Peterborough locks.

Many museum staff members paddled in the event, and Maryam Monsef, our member of parliament, paddled with James Raffan. Pictured below are Curator Jeremy Ward, Marketing and Media Relations Manager Jessica Fleury, and General Manager Carolyn Hyslop.

Jeremy Ward smiles while giving a thumbs up from a canoe.
Two people paddle a green canoe
Carolyn Hyslop smiles while waving at the camera for a photo

With rain on both sides of the forecast, paddlers were pleasantly surprised by the beautiful weather. While two very full tubs were completing a transfer, the motion was paused. As the two tubs sang “O Canada,” paddlers were able to look across to the other tub and see all 328 paddle crafts.

After the transfer was complete, many paddlers continued on down the Trent Severn, while others went back down the lock. Lock n’ Paddle was a great way to celebrate Canada 150 and National Canoe Day!

A photo from above hundreds of paddlers gathering with their canoes in the Peterborough locks.
An aerial view of hundreds of paddlers gathering with their canoes in the Peterborough locks.
Several paddlers approach the Peterborough Locks with their canoes and kayaks.

Check out this great video by out partners at Parks Canada

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The Canadian Canoe Museum respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaties First Nations. The Canadian Canoe Museum also recognizes the contributions of Indigenous Peoples including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, in shaping this community and country as a whole.

As an organization that stewards the world’s largest and most significant collection of canoes, kayaks & paddled watercraft, we will honour and share the cultural histories and stories within the collection in all that we do.

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K9L 1P8

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