After much anticipation, National Canoe Day is here! Though today is officially “NCD,” we held our Peterborough festivities this past weekend on June 23rd. Our celebratory day was greeted with sunshine and blue skies; an added touch that lasted all day long. We truly could not have asked for a better day to enjoy a day on the water.
This year’s “NCD” saw many changes, all of which proved quite successful! New to The Canadian Canoe Museum‘s National Canoe Day, we partnered with the Trent Severn Antique and Classic Boat Association. Sprinkled throughout the backyard of the Silver Bean Cafe were 20 canoes and 45 antique boats on display, presented by the Association. Partnering with the Association allowed for double the foot traffic!
Wishing to centralize ourselves to the Downtown region, Millennium Park proved to be an ideal location for our canoeing escapades; a dock, deckhands, and dozens of trips around the Lake!
With people coming from as far as Germany, everyone enjoyed the day; proud canoeists displayed their talents, and encouraged more paddle-enthusiasts to join them!
Though neither vessel was a “courting canoe,” nor was there a phonograph to serenade its’ occupants, there was still affection in the air. Zoe (the Bernice Mountain Dog), and Cookie (the Golden Retriever) found time for some kisses before parting ways.
Today (Tuesday, June 26), the Museum is open from 10:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with free admission all day. Bring your family and friends to celebrate the canoe – a large part of Canadian history!
To those who came out on Saturday, we hope you had a “canoe-load” of fun; to those who weren’t able to come out, we hope you’ll be able to make it to the Museum today for a complimentary self-guided tour!