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Niigaan nbi

Mkwendan naaniibwiyan niigaan nbi gchi ziibii mii imaa nkweshkdaading naajigo dgoshnoomgak odii zhiwtaagni nbi, naasaabgo nake ziibii enaakmok, mii inake enaajmong miige gezhi mowdoshjkaayang.

Gtaam gwiinad jiimaanan egnaawendjaagak odii Canadian Canoe Museum noojgooji bijibdenoon. Gaawiin naasaab ow si’inoowan niw jiimaananesan. Kenjgaadenmgak gii dashnoomgak ge ezhaamgak mii gaa giinwind ji maadaadoomyabing gii waabdaamong i ki.


Where the journey begins

Imagine standing at the headwaters of a river, where it begins its journey outward to join other waters and eventually reach a distant ocean. Just as a river branches and braids, our life’s stories also distinguish us and draw us together. The amazing variety of canoes and kayaks around you are statements of our complex relationships with the environment. These little boats don’t just tie us together; they reveal differences in our connection to our waters. The Canadian Canoe Museum cares for a wonderfully diverse family of watercraft, and by tracing their routes and stories, canoes guide us worldwide.

En amont

Là où l’aventure commence

Imaginez-vous à la source d’une rivière, là où elle commence sa descente vers d’autres cours d’eau pour finalement se jeter dans un océan lointain. Tout comme les rivières qui se ramifient et s’entrelacent, les histoires de nos vies nous distinguent et nous rassemblent. Or, la variété étonnante de canots et de kayaks qui nous entourent témoigne de la complexité de nos relations avec l’environnement. En plus de nous lier les un·e·s aux autres, ces petits bateaux révèlent les différences de notre rapport à l’eau. Et le Musée canadien du canot a à cœur cette grande famille d’embarcations diversifiées qui nous guident dans le monde entier au gré de leurs histoires et de leurs trajectoires.


Nativelands map
CCM Logo White

The Canadian Canoe Museum respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaties First Nations. The Canadian Canoe Museum also recognizes the contributions of Indigenous Peoples including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, in shaping this community and country as a whole.

As an organization that stewards the world’s largest and most significant collection of canoes, kayaks & paddled watercraft, we will honour and share the cultural histories and stories within the collection in all that we do.

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2077 Ashburnham Dr
Peterborough, ON
K9L 1P8

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Begin Your Adventure


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