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Gegoon gdi zhiwebiz pii baamkozhweyin maa nbiing. Aapchi go gdi ngnoondon iw nbi minwaa gdi gnowaabdan ezhi gnaajwang noojgegoon ge gdi noondaan. Mnendaagwad baamkozhweyin mii iw omaa maajtaamgak mno kidwinan.


Inspiring your own connection

Something special happens when we are stripped of regular distractions, travel by our own efforts, and are exposed and vulnerable in a natural setting. This experience can foster a strong sense of connection: connection to water, to the environment, to ourselves, to each other. Many have found profound inspiration in this setting and have returned to share it with others. Presented here are powerful and hopeful stories about what people have done and are doing to act on their connections and responsibilities. The opportunities are there for us to find our own connection and act on it.


Renouer avec la nature

Il y a quelque chose de magique au fait d’être privé·e·s de nos distractions habituelles, de nous déplacer par nos propres moyens et de réaliser que nous sommes vulnérables devant la nature. Cette expérience peut faire naître un fort sentiment d’attachement envers l’eau, l’environnement, nous-mêmes et les autres. Il n’est pas rare de se sentir profondément inspiré·e·s dans des lieux naturels et d’avoir envie de partager notre expérience. Voici donc des récits puissants et empreints d’espoir de gens qui ont reconnu ces liens d’attachement et qui assument leurs responsabilités pour les solidifier. À nous maintenant de faire de même.


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The Canadian Canoe Museum respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaties First Nations. The Canadian Canoe Museum also recognizes the contributions of Indigenous Peoples including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, in shaping this community and country as a whole.

As an organization that stewards the world’s largest and most significant collection of canoes, kayaks & paddled watercraft, we will honour and share the cultural histories and stories within the collection in all that we do.

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Begin Your Adventure


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