Labrador family begins building a Mi’kmaq canoe for The Canadian Canoe Museum

Canoe being built in a workshop.

The Canadian Canoe Museum is excited to announce that the talented Labrador family has started building a new, ocean-going Mi’kmaq canoe for the collection. Todd Labrador is a renowned birchbark canoe builder. He is joined in the building process by his daughter, Melissa, who will be visually documenting the build for the Museum. A canoe-builder … Keep Reading

New year, new museum: Canadian Canoe Museum provides a progress update ahead of an exciting year

A photo of the new Canadian Canoe Museum on 2077 Ashburnham Drive under construction.

Steady progress has been made, but industry-wide construction challenges have delayed the Museum’s opening to late summer or early fall. 2023 will begin a new chapter in The Canadian Canoe Museum’s (CCM) history as the organization prepares to move to its new waterfront location, currently under construction along Ashburnham Drive in Peterborough, ON. “It is … Keep Reading

Governor General grants patronage to The Canadian Canoe Museum

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada

The Canadian Canoe Museum (CCM) is honoured to announce that Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, has granted Viceregal Patronage to the Museum. The granting of viceregal patronage is a long-standing tradition, with governors general granting support through patronage to recognize exceptional contributions to Canadian society.

Reflections On Our Journey To The East Coast

Robin Cavanagh, Jeremy Ward, and Fred Metallic pose while holding a traditional map of the districts of the Mi'gmaq

By Robin Binèsi Cavanagh, Director of Indigenous Peoples Collaborative Relations A large part of my role at The Canadian Canoe Museum is to care for the relations the museum enjoys with Indigenous Peoples and communities across Turtle Island. This work is especially relevant now as we prepare for the schematic design phase of the exhibit … Keep Reading

A Gentle Giant Paddles On: George Juris Luste (1940-2015)

Blue water

It is with sadness we announce that physicist, paddler and great friend of the museum, George Luste, passed away on Saturday, March 21st, of brain cancer: quietly, surrounded by family, and barely a month after his appearance at the Wilderness and Canoeing Symposium at Monarch Park High School in Toronto. Of Latvian descent, George did … Keep Reading

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The Canadian Canoe Museum respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaties First Nations. The Canadian Canoe Museum also recognizes the contributions of Indigenous Peoples including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, in shaping this community and country as a whole.

As an organization that stewards the world’s largest and most significant collection of canoes, kayaks & paddled watercraft, we will honour and share the cultural histories and stories within the collection in all that we do.

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K9L 1P8

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