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Pushing the Limits


Iw pii baabmakzhiweyan omaa nbi’iing nooji gegoon daakendaan minwaa g’gaa maajiig minwaa g’gaa gchi mikwenjge.

Living Traditions

Understanding risk and discovering our potential

The act of setting out on the water offers us adventure. It also carries risk. By facing these challenges, each of us has the opportunity to grow and even be transformed.

For some, paddling is the participation in organized competition or undertaking journeys of significant distance. In doing so, they face personal limitations or constraints in the chance to discover their full potential. Explore these inspiring and sometimes difficult stories and learn how embracing opportunities on the water can reshape us and society.

Repousser les limites

Comprendre les risques et découvrir notre potentiel

Partir sur l’eau nous ouvre les portes de l’aventure, ce qui comporte aussi des risques. Mais lorsque nous les affrontons, ils nous permettent de nous surpasser, voire de nous transformer.

Pour certaines personnes, pagayer signifie participer à des compétitions ou entreprendre de longues expéditions. Et souvent, elles sont confrontées à leurs limites personnelles ou à des contraintes qui les empêchent de découvrir leur plein potentiel. Nous vous invitons à découvrir des histoires inspirantes (et parfois difficiles) de défis relevés sur l’eau qui nous ont permis de nous redéfinir, à la fois comme personne et comme société.


Resources coming soon!

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The Canadian Canoe Museum respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaties First Nations. The Canadian Canoe Museum also recognizes the contributions of Indigenous Peoples including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, in shaping this community and country as a whole.

As an organization that stewards the world’s largest and most significant collection of canoes, kayaks & paddled watercraft, we will honour and share the cultural histories and stories within the collection in all that we do.

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Peterborough, ON
K9L 1P8

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