Grand Opening
Celebrating the Grand Opening of the new Canadian Canoe Museum will be an iconic moment in Canadian history. The occasion will mark the beginning of a new chapter for the Museum and celebrate Canada’s profound connection to the canoe and the many waterways surrounding us.
As we prepare to unveil this cultural treasure to the world, we are thrilled to feel your excitement and anticipation building! We know you will be enthralled by the stunning architecture and waterfront location, as well as an impressive brand-new suite of exhibits that share new stories within the collection.
Due to capacity constraints and to ensure a safe and positive visitor experience, attendance at our Grand Opening events on May 11th and 12th is by invitation only, and registration is required. Please join us to watch the livestream of the Opening Ceremonies on our website on May 11th from 1-2 PM ET.
If you have not yet received an invitation, we encourage you to join us when we open to the world on May 13th and onward!
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Official Grand Opening Ceremony
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
An afternoon of formal remarks and celebrations to officially open the new museum. A livestream of the ceremony will be available on our YouTube channel so the country can join us in celebrating this historic moment.
In attendance will be government dignitaries and funders, major donors, Volunteer Council, construction project partners, community partners, and media.
Attendance is by invitation only due to capacity and security.
*All invitations have been sent for this event.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Community Celebration
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT
A day for The Canadian Canoe Museum community to visit the new museum, showcasing the new facility, outdoor campus and programming for a sneak peek at our new visitor experience.
This is a ticketed event with registration open to our members, volunteers, and donors (check your email for more information!).
Plan Your Visit
The Canadian Canoe Museum will be open to welcome visitors as of May 13, 2024, following our Grand Opening events.
Ready to chart your course for an extraordinary day out? Plan your visit to the Canadian Canoe Museum today! Find all the essential details about our opening hours, ticket prices, and directions for your next adventure.
Visit the New MuseumAn Algonquin birch bark canoe built by William and Mary Commanda of Kitigan Zibi, Quebec. (Photo Credit: Michael Cullen)
Miigwech, Thank You, Merci
The new museum is made possible, in part, by the generous support of our lead donor and government partners, including the Government of Canada, through both the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), the Weston Family Foundation, the City of Peterborough, Peterborough County, and the Province of Ontario, in addition to donors from coast to coast to coast.
We are grateful for the support of the following sponsors of our Grand Opening program:

This event has been financially assisted by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund a program of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation.
Community Celebration Sponsor

Media Sponsor

Travel Bursary Advocate
BMO Financial Group
Commemorative Program Sponsor
Goodman’s LLP
Engagement Station Sponsor
Temagami First Nation